
Friday, January 12, 2018

Miniature Moment: The Villains of Elemental Evil

I promised myself two years ago that I would finish painting the miniatures from Temple of Elemental Evil, the board game. Now I have. Before moving on to other games, I'd like to show you how they turned out and tell you how I painted them. First up, the villains!

Swerglemergle, Arkashic Thunn and Velathidros convene.

Arkashic Thunn, the Salamander

I wanted more of a lizard feeling than the flaming Salamanders of D&D lore for this villain. The Fire Elemental is already a bunch of lava, so this snake-like creature with flames on his back provided something new for the Fire Cult.

A brown undercoat followed by basecoats of Khorne Red for the back/upside and Zandri Dust for the front/lower parts. The miniature was then washed with Army Painter Red Tone. Highlights for the red parts were Wazdakka Red, Wildrider Red and Averland Sunset. The lower body was highlighted with Army Painter Skeleton Bone mixed with white. 

Swerglemergle, the Ettin

What to do about a big old giant with two heads? I felt that I had painted this thing before, since he is quite similar to other giants in general and the Ettins from Descent in particular. I came up with the blonde head from watching a few videos and pictures, trying to figure out how to do something eye-catching. It seemed like 99% of the Giants and Ettins had dark hair, so Swergle or Mergle (who's who?) got a unique treatment.

The model was basecoated brown. The skin got a basecoat of Bugmans Glow, the leg-wrappings and axe wrappings were painted in Zandri Dust and the clubs with Rhinox Hide. The blonde head was basecoated with Zamesi Desert, the black head with Vallejo Black and the loin-cloth and stone axe with Eshin Grey. All of the bone parts were basecoated with two coats of Army Painter Skeleton Bone.

The whole model was then covered with Army Painter Strong Tone wash and left to dry for 30 minutes.

Highlights for the skin was Bugmans Glow mixed with Army Painter Barbarian Flesh and Skeleton Bone. I later added some Army Painter Purple Tone wash selectively for the parts that had veins or scars. This brought some much needed blue tones, which I'm not sure was captured by the camera.

The blonde head was highlighted with Zamesi Desert mixed with Skeleton Bone. The black parts and the grey parts were drybrushed with Eshin Grey and then lightly drybrushed with Fenrisian Grey. The bone parts and wrappings were layered with Skeleton Bone and Vallejo White. The stone axe's edges were drybrushed heavily with grey tones moving towards white.

Velathidros, the Black Dragon

Isn't it hard to soar around a dungeon? Velathidros pulls it off.
Dragons tend to be pretty straight-forward, but the Black Dragons are special, I think. Black is a very boring color for a dragon and tend to leave out a lot of the detail of the model. The black dragons dwell in swamps, so green tones tend to go well with the lore, and I saw such cool pictures from D&D lore of black dragons with golden brown body plates.

The model was basecoated black and blocked with Eshin Grey mixed with 1/5 Straken Green for the wings, two coats of Skeleton Bone for the claws and horns and Zandri dust for the lower body. The fin was painted in a mix of 50/50 Eshin Grey and Straken Green. The tongue and eyes were painted Straken Green.

The model was then washed with Army Painter Dark Tone and left to dry for a long time.

I layered the Eshin Grey/Straken Green on to the wings and found it to be enough, I didn't want the model to be too bright. The black body parts were drybrushed with Eshin Grey and Fenrisian Grey for the most prominent parts. The lower body was layered with Zamesi Desert for a golden brown effect. The tongue and eyes were painted with Straken Green mixed with Averland Sunset. The bones were drybrushed Skeleton Bone and Vallejo White.

Presto! The villains are all done.

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